Sunday, February 18, 2007

Golf Driving of Chaophya Park Bangkok Hotel

Golf Driving of Chaophya Park Bangkok HotelA driving range right behind the Chaophya Park Bangkok hotel, away from the Ratchadaphisek Road and makes for a fund and relaxed afternoon. The driving range is easy to reach by a short walk and also provides food and drinks in a relaxed club house atmosphere. The driving range is 247 yards long and opens each day from 08:00 until 22:00. The Chaophya Park Hotel Bangkok driving range is fully equipped with automatic caddies.

Chaophya Park Bangkok Hotel
Address; 247 Ratchadapisek Road, Dindaeng, Rachadapisek, Bangkok, Thailand 10400

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make sure to remember your travel medical insurance when making your vacation plans. Most employee benefit packages do contain some travel coverage, so check your group insurance first. If travel insurance is included in your group coverage but it is not enough for your specific needs, top-up travel insurance can be bought at a very reasonable price.

3:14 PM  

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